Loyal Oils - Plane Jane

Loyal Oils - Plane Jane

Taste & Flavor:

I’m not sure how the raw product tastes as I mixed it into a non-alcoholic margarita.

Aroma & Mouthfeel:

Aroma: Mostly odorless with a hint of sweetness on the nose, but nothing overpowering.

Mouthfeel: Light and cohesive.

Calories, Sugar, Ingredients:

Sugar: Unsure

Calories: Unsure

Ingredients: Clean and straightforward.


The effects kick in after approximately 15 minutes.

Cost & Packaging:

Cost: $40 for a bottle with 24 servings.

Packaging: The design is a bit plain and lacks nutritional information. However, the ingredients are clean.

Food Pairing:

This non-alcoholic margarita pairs nicely with grilled shrimp skewers or a light quinoa salad. The subtle sweetness and light mouthfeel complement these dishes without overpowering them.

Final Verdict:

7.5/10 - I would buy this again. It offers good value for the price, and I’m looking forward to trying the other flavors.


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